U | Comedy | 25 June 2017 (India) |2h:11m:50s
Track List
Gopi Sunder .. Music
Hari Narayanan BK .. Lyricist
Hari Narayanan BK .. Lyricist
Thechille Penne
Niranj Suresh, Gopi Sunder .. Singers
Theru There Ororo
Najim Arshad, Sreya Raghav .. Singers
Gopi Sunder .. Singer
Audio Jukebox
Cover Song
Video Jukebox
Gopi Sunder .. Music, Singer
Hari Narayanan BK .. Lyricist
Hari Narayanan BK .. Lyricist
Theru There
Gopi Sunder .. Music
Hari Narayanan BK .. Lyricist
Najim Arshad, Sreya Raghav .. Singers
Hari Narayanan BK .. Lyricist
Najim Arshad, Sreya Raghav .. Singers
Thechille Penne
Gopi Sunder .. Music, Singer
Hari Narayanan BK .. Lyricist
Niranj Suresh .. Singer
Hari Narayanan BK .. Lyricist
Niranj Suresh .. Singer
Gautham a working professional who is almost like a robot. He doesn’t like to communicate with anyone. His father and mother are extremely sad because of this nature. So they decided to ask his college day friends to help them in bringing back the old energetic Gautham.His friends decided to take him for a trip to Goa to sort out certain missing pieces. The movie is about this “operation”.
Copyright Owned & Marketed: Empire
Blu-ray Rs. 700/-
DVD Rs. 140/-
VCD Rs. 90/-
Blu-ray Rs. 700/-
DVD Rs. 140/-
VCD Rs. 90/-


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